Emerald City Comicon 2015 Cosplay Roundup

The Shortboxed crew has survived the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle, Washington. With approximately 80,000 visitors during this sold out 3 day event, it’s only natural we share the awesome cosplay. All of which they’ve undoubtedly spent weeks if not months preparing. Let us know which ones are your favorites in the comments below or on twitter!


IMG_20150331_222155 (Small)

IMG_20150331_222238 (Small) IMG_20150331_222224 (Small)

2015-03-28 12.21.34-2 (Small)

2015-03-27 09.19.27 (Small) 2015-03-27 11.47.34 (Small) 2015-03-27 12.15.36 (Small) 2015-03-27 16.27.50 (Small) 2015-03-27 17.34.16 (Small) 2015-03-27 17.34.36 (Small) 2015-03-27 17.34.42 (Small) 2015-03-28 09.03.07-2 (Small) 2015-03-28 09.11.11-2 (Small) 2015-03-28 11.03.32 (Small) 2015-03-28 14.56.04 (Small) 2015-03-28 14.56.20-1 (Small) 2015-03-28 14.56.33-1 (Small) 2015-03-28 14.58.44 (Small) 2015-03-28 15.01.03 (Small)

Photo Credits: @jacobaris , @jlahhh

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